B. Shestakofsky. 2024. Behind the Startup: How Venture Capital Shapes Work, Innovation, and Inequality. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Journal Articles
B. Shestakofsky. 2025. “The Labor of Assetization: Producing ‘Hypergrowth’ Inside a Tech Startup.” Socio-Economic Review 23(1):445-468.
B. Shestakofsky. 2024. “Cleaning Up Data Work: Negotiating Meaning, Morality, and Inequality in a Tech Startup.” Big Data & Society 11(3):1-14.
D. Narayan and B. Shestakofsky. 2024. “Relationships That Matter: Four Perspectives on AI, Work, and Organizations.” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 60(4):639-651.
B. Shestakofsky and C. Petre. 2024. “Structures of Capital and Sociotechnical Change: The Case of Tech Startups and VC.” International Journal of Communication 18:800-807.
S. Hoffman, K. Joyce, S. Alegria, S. Bell, T. Cruz, S. Noble, B. Shestakofsky, and L. Smith-Doerr. 2022. “Five Big Ideas About AI.” Contexts 21(3):8-15.
K. Joyce, L. Smith-Doerr, S. Alegria, S. Bell, T. Cruz, S. Hoffman, S. Noble, and B. Shestakofsky. 2021. “Toward a Sociology of Artificial Intelligence: A Call for Research on Inequalities and Structural Change.” Socius 7:1-11.
B. Shestakofsky and S. Kelkar. 2020. “Making Platforms Work: Relationship Labor and the Management of Publics.” Theory and Society 49:863-896.
Star-Nelkin Paper Award from the ASA Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology (2021)
B. Shestakofsky. 2020. “Stepping Back to Move Forward: Centering Capital in Discussions of Technology and the Future of Work.” Communication and the Public 5(3-4):129-133.
B. Shestakofsky. 2017. "Working Algorithms: Software Automation and the Future of Work." Work and Occupations 44(4):376-423.
W. Richard Scott Award for Distinguished Scholarship from the ASA Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work (2019)
C. Herring, M. Rosaldo, J. Seim, B. Shestakofsky. 2016. “Living Theory: Principles and Practices for Teaching Social Theory Ethnographically.” Teaching Sociology 44(3): 188-199.
C. Sarno, B. Shestakofsky, H. Shoemaker, R. Aponte. 2015. “Rationalizing Judgment Day: A Content Analysis of Harold Camping’s Open Forum Program.” Sociology of Religion 76(2): 199-221.
B. Shestakofsky. 2015. “More Machinery, Less Labor? Jobs and Technological Change in the 19th and 21st Centuries.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology 59: 86-90. (Previous version published on Platypus, the website of the American Anthropological Association’s Committee for the Anthropology of Science, Technology & Computing)
Under Review
B. Shestakofsky. “Managing in the Field: Doing Ethnography as a Boss.” (Revise and resubmit, Qualitative Sociology)
Conference Proceedings
A.Q. Zhang, R. Shaw, J. R. Anthis, A. Milton, E. Tseng, J. Suh, L. Ahmad, R. S. S. Kumar, J. Posada, B. Shestakofsky, S. T. Roberts, and M. L. Gray. 2024. “The Human Factor in AI Red Teaming: Perspectives from Social and Collaborative Computing.” CSCW 2024.
Other Articles
B. Shestakofsky and S. Kelkar. 2021. “Governing Platforms by Managing Relationships.” Work in Progress.
B. Shestakofsky. 2018. “Ethnography and Theory.” Invited Essay, Perspectives: Newsletter of the ASA Theory Section 40(1):21-24.
B. Shestakofsky. 2018. “Automation and the Future of Work: A View From Inside a Tech Startup.” Work in Progress.
Public Sociology
B. Shestakofsky. 2024. “Are These Silicon Valley Power Players the Heroes or Villains of Tech?” San Francisco Chronicle. (Extended and ungated version available at Zocalo Public Square.)
B. Shestakofsky. 2017. “How Software Automation Changes Work—And Creates New Workforce Challenges—In The Digital Age.” Scholars Strategy Network.
Book Reviews
B. Shestakofsky. 2021. Review of Lives on the Line: How the Philippines Became the World’s Call Center Capital by Jeffrey J. Sallaz. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019). American Journal of Sociology 126(6):1516-1518.
B. Shestakofsky. 2020. Review of Uberland: How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Rules of Work by Alex Rosenblat. (Oakland: University of California Press, 2018). Contemporary Sociology 49(3): 294-296.
B. Shestakofsky. 2019. Review of Ghost Work: How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclass by Mary L. Gray and Siddharth Suri (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019). Industrial and Labor Relations Review 72(5): 1283-1285.
B. Shestakofsky. 2017. Review of The Disrupted Workplace by Benjamin H. Snyder (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016). British Journal of Sociology 68(4):793-795.